Thursday, December 18, 2008

Battle Wounds

So yesterday, it finally all caught up with me. I'll spare you the graphic pictures I took, but I took a pretty good spill on my moutain bike. I hit a slick spot coming down a dirt mound and the handlebars flipped backwards to the left as I went over them. It seemed like every part of my body took the impact, but my knee took the blunt of it all; it got cut open pretty deep. At first I didn't know if I broke anything, but I knew my leg hurt a whole lot. I biked home bleeding out of my knee as I held my shorts over the wound. I made my way to San Jose Reginal ER and got four stitches. I think having such a wonderful nurse helped ease my pain.

So there's my battle scar story. Next time I get out riding (which won't be for another 14 days), I'm going with knee/shin guards. I don't really wanna go through with this again, even though it makes for an awesome story :).


Matt Olds said...

i want to see them...i dare you!

Chris Olds said...

Ok...I'll post them. First cut, during stitches, and I'll add battlescar (after stitches) later.