Tuesday, December 16, 2008

"So Long and So Far Away" Is Changed Into Something Greater

Yup, so I am headed back to school in the Winter/Spring after a semester break. I just checked my spreadsheet to see how much further the school road is ahead of me. and quickly became briefly discouraged. I still have 16 classes to take. That's in addition to the 4 classes I'm required to take every semester (Lessons, Sax Ensemble, Performing Ensemble, Listening Hour). Ugh...it seems soooooooo far.

But life is good. Everyday is a gift. And what really matters is how I use each day. I guess life will always have that "next thing" to accomplish. No matter how many things we accomplish, there's always the next idea, "Ok, so what's next?" It's funny how I am realizing more each day that life doesn't stop, even when on vacation...there will always be something to come back to. So in understanding this, I find it easier to live each day like it was my last (the thinking of everyday is a gift) and not to think how much more I have in order to accomplish something, how much longer I have in order for me to be what I want to be. I become who I want to be everyday by choice. Everyday is an accomplishment if we live it to our full potential.

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