Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Boxes, Boats, and Thank-you's

These past couple of weeks have provoked a people observation, well more of a question, which is "Where are the 'thank-you's'" and "Where are the people who don't ignore someone for doing showing kindess"? And I am totally not talking about the over-the-top-you're-obsessing-over-me-with-what-you-call-'kindess', (which is a whole-nother world of person/person interaction and pshycology).

I understand a lot to do with how we interact is how we were raised (Though I do know that someone can break through bad influences). A few questions surround this, given how I was raised, for instance: Is a simple 'thank you' beginning to be too much for which to ask? Am I expecting too much as a word from someone to affirm gratitude or that I did something that encouraged someone? Is this thinking also known as selfishness? I realize that by posting this, I am revealing an insecurity; possibly...and/or...yes. But I believe that this topic is something that has become too far and in between for me to leave unexploited.

People make my day when they say thank you; that's just how much it means to me. It's an encouragement and an affirmation. I'm saddened that we don't say thank you enough to people. Don't get me wrong, I do hear it and other compliments throughout the week, and it's wonderful (this 'thank-you's' for you). But I've recognized for a while that it seems that we have become more cold, and it breaks my heart (And of course, I am holding myself accountable also). Throughout the week I ask myself, "Is there anyone who is living outside of the cold 'norm-box?'" This seems like a lot of finger pointing, but my finger points at me too. How am I living outside of the box? What am I bringing to the table that someone else values? Believe me, I try daily to walk a mile in another's shoes, but it doesn't seem like it makes a difference. Huh..."it doesn't seem..."

So here's what trips me out: So obviously what I value differs from what another person values. So I ask, what do people value? What makes people's days, these days? But by not hearing 'thank you' says: "It doesn't mean anything to me." With this reaction (not being recognized or thanked by someone), we stop going out-of-our-way for people. And when someone does go out of his/her way, the other person is simply out-of-practice recognizing that person's efforts. Also, thinking "It doesn't mean anything to that person" creates an assumption or judgement. So if the only reason that I show kindess is because it pleases God, then it shouldn't matter that I hear recognition from someone, right? I'll regroup here.

I know that the world isn't peaches and cream, but we as humans all need recognition and affirmation, it's in our nature; in our nature (along with other things, positive and negative). It's easy to let "believing in someone," "loving someone," and "doing something for someone out of love," become "being let down by someone because he/she didn't say thank-you." Sure this can all be interpreted as simple minded thinking, or perfect world thinking, and is something that I struggle with; but we're all in the same boat. I'm sure we'd all like to hear "thank-you" more. So honestly, let's thank each other. Let's affirm each other. Let's encourage each other. Let's show kindness towards one another. Let's uplift each other. Let's show love for one another. Which all encourages me to say: How great would that effect our lives.

This is just a different perspective, that's all. It's coming from someone who took a second, who's day was uplifted by the beauty of creation and potential in people. It's coming from someone who was sippin' on some Casi Cielo outside while the sun warmed up San Jose, who thought, "There seriously has to be more to life than this." "Get me the heck out of this box!" "Show me the potential." And..."We were made to live for so much more."

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