Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So seven years ago (2001) I was going to visit my bro out in PA. The first week of the visit was kinda rough 'cause I was pretty crabby from a jet lag trip back from China the day before. The second week was much better as I lightened up a lot and adjusted to the time change. The second week we decided to pack a cooler and go for it: a car trip to NY, then Washington D.C., then back home (all in 3 days)...kinda crazy, but fun. We saw a lot. We took the World Center Trade Tower tour in NY. We went up to the very top and saw quite a view. We took the tourist picture at the set up they had there in the building. The date: Sept 4th.

The thing that scared me (the strangest feeling of my life)...was my Mom rushing into my bedroom a week later telling me to wake up and watch the news about the Trade Towers. I came into her room and watched the news as a plane flew into the 2nd tower. I watched in absolute dumbfoundedness.

Weeks earlier, I was asking for vacation off from work. I had three weeks that I could take. The plan was to take the China trip (1 week), wait 1 week when I returned to get used to the time change, then take the other 2 weeks out to PA. For some reason I didn't postpone my trip out to PA, I took the next day's flight out. If I postponed my trip 1 week, we would have been on the Trade Towers when they were hit.

All I can say is thank you, Lord. I still can't understand how God worked that one.

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