Saturday, September 6, 2008


Yesterday was an overwhelming day for me. I normally do a little Bible study before I go to sleep. But last night, I scratched that idea and just spoke to God. I was dumbfounded how Jesus could walk through temptation and still keep His eyes focused on the Father. I was slapped in the face yesterday with very 'worldly' situations that wore me out. Even though I didn't compromise, I felt extremely distant from God. I guess it's times like these that having brothers and sisters to fellowship with is important. I guess it's a lesson of never letting my guard down to how strongly satan can use this world to pull Christians away from God. I know that we need to put on the armor of God and be strong in Him, but I'm pretty tired right now. Sometimes I wish that Jesus was physically here so I could spend a day with Him. I could use that right about now.

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