Thursday, September 4, 2008

Umm...can I get an oatmeal frap?? the powerful and innovative Starbucks Thinking Machine just rolled out with the latest craze of the century!! That's right, you guessed it...OATMEAL...BAM!

I have yet to experience the, "Umm, yeah, gimme a half-caf, triple-grande, 3/4 pump vanilla, 1/3 non-fat, 1/3 breve, 1/3 soy, light whip, latte...oh ya, could you mix oatmeal into that with half a packet of brown sugar??"

Don't get me wrong, I think it's a pretty spiffy and healthy alternative to the 430 calorie filled apple fritter. But I really don't want to see Starbucks "Going The Way Of The 'Oat Soup.'" <---- MxPx reference (shout a holla if ya know what I'm talkin about!)

1 comment:

lilscrubby said...

They got rid of my decaf frap to make room for oatmeal? Yeah yeah it was to make room for something else, or so I was told. I don't even remember what it was. As far as I was concerned, it was as tempting as Starbucks oatmeal.