Friday, August 29, 2008
Early Monday Morning
Went to go surfing again today super super early. It was pretty inconsistant out there. I'm tired and I'm headed off to sleep
Ok...but really??
So...when I came into work the other day I was greeted and given the low-down on the morning's happenings. Long story short...evidently, a customer forgot and left his cell phone in our lobby. When he returned looking for it, someone had stolen it. He was so frustrated that he called...well...I'll call this person "an important leader in our region." This employee apologized to him on 'our' behalf and called us to ask what action we're going to take to prevent future situations like this from happening.
Ok, I can understand the customer's frustration in something of his being stolen. I admit, I was a little miffed when my motorcycle helmet strap was cut from being locked down to my bike at Eastridge, yes. But these two people, customer and employee, just amused me with passing blame to the next person. Anyway, people are so good with getting other people to apologize for their own faults.
It's hilarious (I guess?) that people don't take responsibility for their own mistakes anymore.
Ok, I can understand the customer's frustration in something of his being stolen. I admit, I was a little miffed when my motorcycle helmet strap was cut from being locked down to my bike at Eastridge, yes. But these two people, customer and employee, just amused me with passing blame to the next person. Anyway, people are so good with getting other people to apologize for their own faults.
It's hilarious (I guess?) that people don't take responsibility for their own mistakes anymore.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Half Time
Well it's official...I am taking one semester off from school. On Friday, I let my professors and fellow saxophonists know that I'll be taking the time off. Mixed responses, yes. I'm taking the time off not as an escape to an overwhelmed schedule, but to develop a closer relationship with God and work on maintaining good living habits.
God has taught me a lot these past two weeks. I've realized that "Godly living" is not only maintaining a relationship with God, but letting Him affect every aspect of my life including my responsibilities (cooking, cleaning, exercising, etc.) I've been reading Rick Warren's "The Purpose Driven Life" and one thing that really convicted me was the following passage.
"Our time on earth and our energy, intelligence, opportunities, relationships, and resources are all gifts from God that he has entrusted to our care and management. We are stewards of whatever God gives us."
Psalms 24:1
"The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it,
the world, and all who live in it"
This might be a little extreme, but I was thinking if Jesus would visit my apartment today, would I be embarrassed to have Him over? Have I taken care of the apartment He has graciously provided for me? And what about my health? Have I taken care of the vessel that He's provided me? I know that I have much to change. I'd probably be too stressed to work on this while attending school, and has become too important for me to put off any longer. So this will be my project over the next few months, and school is taking the back burner this time around.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Dawn Patrol

BAM!!! Totally went surfin today! It's been a while, but I finally got to catch some waves over at 'the hook' in Capitola. I got up at 4:50am, strapped down my board, made a stop at Starbucks down the street for a Grande Pike Place Roast and Classic Coffee Cake, and left for the ocean.
It was just getting light out right when I got there. It was low tide and there were pretty good sets rolling in. I rode in a couple of good ones. Dang, it's so awesome riding a wave, just so smooth...nothing like it. Pretty chill people out today too, which made it even more relaxing. Good times.
I always think of my bro, Matt, whenever I get out surfin. He's the one who got me excited to try it a long time ago. We always set out early before dawn and listened to Postal Service and Yellowcard on the way over. I still listen to them when I go, makes me remember those fun mornings. It'd be dope to be able to catch some waves with him again...great company! But I don't know if Santa Cruz could handle the Olds Brothers again! HaHa . . . love ya bro!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
A Gift from God
Today i was blessed to have the opportunity to get together with my sister, Holly from work. Wow, I can't remember the last time that I got together with a brother/sister in Christ to just talk about God. We met at a local Starbucks at 11am and just talked about what God has done in our lives over the months. Yes, time flies when you're having fun! I was actually late for my work shift at 3:45pm...but God covered the circumstances. It is so exciting and refreshing to have someone at work that encourages me to live for Christ.
God is really changing my perspective on life (again). He's changing the way I see people and circumstances. I've been blessed to see a much larger picture of life, while also realizing how short of a time we are here. It is wonderful to be able to see how special God's children are, and what He is doing through them for His glory. I can't even describe how great it felt to fellowship with such a blessed sister in Christ! I walked away feeling honored to be able to share that time together. How encouraging that was!
God is really changing my perspective on life (again). He's changing the way I see people and circumstances. I've been blessed to see a much larger picture of life, while also realizing how short of a time we are here. It is wonderful to be able to see how special God's children are, and what He is doing through them for His glory. I can't even describe how great it felt to fellowship with such a blessed sister in Christ! I walked away feeling honored to be able to share that time together. How encouraging that was!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Angry, Tired, and Heartbroken
The closer I get to Jesus, the uglier this world becomes. I now understand why Jesus died of a broken heart.
I need to get this off my chest...not an uplifting message, just what I'm going through the past couple of days...sorry if it's blunt.
I normally work the closing shift (3:45pm-12:15am). Most of the customers who come in during this shift are kids (16 y.o. - 25 y.o.). I use 'kids' to describe their level of maturity. When I go outside to clean up the patio, all I typically hear is, "So like, that was so 'F'-ed up, right?" "Like, I know right?" "She's such a ___;" "He's such a ___." It's F-word this and B-word that. During my 5 minute spin, I hear almost every kind of curse word that has been thought up for the English language, and too many times to count.
These are the people that couldn't define kindness to save the world. I could go on and on about how people just turn and walk away without saying anything after I make eye contact and wish them a nice day, or thank them for their business. Seriously, what is that?! Forget the rejection of a declined sale as a salesman. This is a genuine, "Hope you have a nice day." And that person acknowledges by, not smiling, but rolling his/her eyes. This is the type of culture that has taken over San Jose and I just don't understand it! The majority of this culture type is younger than me, which bothers me even more. This is our future? 'End times' anybody?
Angry: Where is the kindness...or com'on at the least...the manners?!
Tired: 8 1/2 hours of this a day!
Heartbroken: These are people that Christ loves and died for. They were once little innocent children of God, and this is what they've become? (I'm no different, just making a point here). If I'm feeling this way about all of it, I can't imagine how their Maker feels.
I understand that we are to be warriors for Christ. I'm all for that! I guess I've just become annoyed from all of this. I know that this is getting to more of the root of my frustration with this area, but I am trying to figure out what to do about it all. One thing that I am doing is staying close to Jesus.
I need to get this off my chest...not an uplifting message, just what I'm going through the past couple of days...sorry if it's blunt.
I normally work the closing shift (3:45pm-12:15am). Most of the customers who come in during this shift are kids (16 y.o. - 25 y.o.). I use 'kids' to describe their level of maturity. When I go outside to clean up the patio, all I typically hear is, "So like, that was so 'F'-ed up, right?" "Like, I know right?" "She's such a ___;" "He's such a ___." It's F-word this and B-word that. During my 5 minute spin, I hear almost every kind of curse word that has been thought up for the English language, and too many times to count.
These are the people that couldn't define kindness to save the world. I could go on and on about how people just turn and walk away without saying anything after I make eye contact and wish them a nice day, or thank them for their business. Seriously, what is that?! Forget the rejection of a declined sale as a salesman. This is a genuine, "Hope you have a nice day." And that person acknowledges by, not smiling, but rolling his/her eyes. This is the type of culture that has taken over San Jose and I just don't understand it! The majority of this culture type is younger than me, which bothers me even more. This is our future? 'End times' anybody?
Angry: Where is the kindness...or com'on at the least...the manners?!
Tired: 8 1/2 hours of this a day!
Heartbroken: These are people that Christ loves and died for. They were once little innocent children of God, and this is what they've become? (I'm no different, just making a point here). If I'm feeling this way about all of it, I can't imagine how their Maker feels.
I understand that we are to be warriors for Christ. I'm all for that! I guess I've just become annoyed from all of this. I know that this is getting to more of the root of my frustration with this area, but I am trying to figure out what to do about it all. One thing that I am doing is staying close to Jesus.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Blowin' My Mind!
So last night I was reading about Moses and Israel in the book of Numbers. The Bible’s stories are filled with so much wisdom of how to handle everyday life. It’s such a great story that I want to keep reading. But it just gets too much to think about. I went to sleep, almost overwhelmed, with all the information and guidance in the Bible. I know the main thing is a relationship with Jesus; but there’s just so much knowledge the Bible possesses, that my brain hurts sometimes just reading and thinking about it. It's difficult to wrap my head around how big God and His plan really are. One thing is for sure, I love my Maker!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Wow...Only In San Jose
Where's the camera? I know this has to be a practical joke...
Life is humorous, filled with amusing people and situations. "Just laugh it off," is something I remember my Mom always saying, which is exactly what I did today...Here goes...
By the way...this happened the same day and place, but after my last blog. I was sitting on a couch (more of a love seat) in our local Starbucks today, enjoying reading my book and journaling. I had left my backpack, book, and notebook on the couch and table to save my spot as I used the restroom. When I returned, a lady had moved my backpack over and was sitting right where I was sitting. I said to myself, "Are you serious??" So I reluctantly sat down on the other cushion next to her, and she didn't even say a word or look up. She just kept reading...HA! Seriously!!...what do you do with that??!! This is the funny part...there were 11 out of 15 other tables, couches, and seats in the store that were clean and NOT being used. The place was pretty much empty. I thought it was hilarious! It was one of those things that you'd see on a practical joke show. I collected my belongings and moved to another table and laughed inside at how oblivious people can be. HAHA!
Life is humorous, filled with amusing people and situations. "Just laugh it off," is something I remember my Mom always saying, which is exactly what I did today...Here goes...
By the way...this happened the same day and place, but after my last blog. I was sitting on a couch (more of a love seat) in our local Starbucks today, enjoying reading my book and journaling. I had left my backpack, book, and notebook on the couch and table to save my spot as I used the restroom. When I returned, a lady had moved my backpack over and was sitting right where I was sitting. I said to myself, "Are you serious??" So I reluctantly sat down on the other cushion next to her, and she didn't even say a word or look up. She just kept reading...HA! Seriously!!...what do you do with that??!! This is the funny part...there were 11 out of 15 other tables, couches, and seats in the store that were clean and NOT being used. The place was pretty much empty. I thought it was hilarious! It was one of those things that you'd see on a practical joke show. I collected my belongings and moved to another table and laughed inside at how oblivious people can be. HAHA!
Seeing With Different Eyes
I started my day today at a local Starbucks drinking my usual Ice Venti, 3 Pump White Mocha, Iced Coffee. I started reading a book which was given to me years ago, "The Purpose Driven Life." I've learned the more time spent reading about Jesus, whether in the Bible or other Christian books, the more uplifted I become. (Today was one of those uplifting days.) Now, probably everyone who knows me, knows that I am not big on reading. But I decided to give it a shot.
I read a couple chapters and started reflecting on my day yesterday. There are two roads in this life that are becoming much more clear to me. I see where they start, know what to expect as I travel them, and know where I will end up. One road is the relationship with Christ, His love, His guidence, His voice, and His plan of a joy-filled and powerful life beyond dreams, completely apart from this world. The other road is paved with a self centered, "have to outdo," "here to make you jealous," "life is a competition and I'm winning" attitude. This is the road that consumes most of the area in which I live, and is easy to get caught up into it.
It's the road with Christ on which I am reminded of the movie, "The Matrix." I know that sounds kinda dorky, but whatever. Neo is the main character in the storyline. Neo wants to be "set free" from the Matrix and shown the true world, how it is that day. He discovers that the real world is much different than the pretend, Matrix-world in which he was living. When Neo is "plugged into" the Matrix, he realizes that it's not real and people are just living a lie. He understands that there's more to life and that he's not a part of that world anymore.
We need to renew our minds in God's Word and remember that this world is not our home. But even though this isn't our home, God wants to use us to spread His love and do powerful things for His Glory if we let Him.
I read a couple chapters and started reflecting on my day yesterday. There are two roads in this life that are becoming much more clear to me. I see where they start, know what to expect as I travel them, and know where I will end up. One road is the relationship with Christ, His love, His guidence, His voice, and His plan of a joy-filled and powerful life beyond dreams, completely apart from this world. The other road is paved with a self centered, "have to outdo," "here to make you jealous," "life is a competition and I'm winning" attitude. This is the road that consumes most of the area in which I live, and is easy to get caught up into it.
It's the road with Christ on which I am reminded of the movie, "The Matrix." I know that sounds kinda dorky, but whatever. Neo is the main character in the storyline. Neo wants to be "set free" from the Matrix and shown the true world, how it is that day. He discovers that the real world is much different than the pretend, Matrix-world in which he was living. When Neo is "plugged into" the Matrix, he realizes that it's not real and people are just living a lie. He understands that there's more to life and that he's not a part of that world anymore.
We need to renew our minds in God's Word and remember that this world is not our home. But even though this isn't our home, God wants to use us to spread His love and do powerful things for His Glory if we let Him.
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