Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Angry, Tired, and Heartbroken

The closer I get to Jesus, the uglier this world becomes. I now understand why Jesus died of a broken heart.

I need to get this off my chest...not an uplifting message, just what I'm going through the past couple of days...sorry if it's blunt.

I normally work the closing shift (3:45pm-12:15am). Most of the customers who come in during this shift are kids (16 y.o. - 25 y.o.). I use 'kids' to describe their level of maturity. When I go outside to clean up the patio, all I typically hear is, "So like, that was so 'F'-ed up, right?" "Like, I know right?" "She's such a ___;" "He's such a ___." It's F-word this and B-word that. During my 5 minute spin, I hear almost every kind of curse word that has been thought up for the English language, and too many times to count.

These are the people that couldn't define kindness to save the world. I could go on and on about how people just turn and walk away without saying anything after I make eye contact and wish them a nice day, or thank them for their business. Seriously, what is that?! Forget the rejection of a declined sale as a salesman. This is a genuine, "Hope you have a nice day." And that person acknowledges by, not smiling, but rolling his/her eyes. This is the type of culture that has taken over San Jose and I just don't understand it! The majority of this culture type is younger than me, which bothers me even more. This is our future? 'End times' anybody?

Angry: Where is the kindness...or com'on at the least...the manners?!
Tired: 8 1/2 hours of this a day!
Heartbroken: These are people that Christ loves and died for. They were once little innocent children of God, and this is what they've become? (I'm no different, just making a point here). If I'm feeling this way about all of it, I can't imagine how their Maker feels.

I understand that we are to be warriors for Christ. I'm all for that! I guess I've just become annoyed from all of this. I know that this is getting to more of the root of my frustration with this area, but I am trying to figure out what to do about it all. One thing that I am doing is staying close to Jesus.

1 comment:

Matt Olds said...

Yeah...that gets old when you're working customer service.

The thing is that we really can't and shouldn't hold people to a belief system that they don't believe in. Sound like tolerance...but really...if we believe in kindness and love and the next guy doesn't...of course he's gonna be rude or not show love.

It's tough working the front counter...good luck my brother!