Monday, August 11, 2008

Seeing With Different Eyes

I started my day today at a local Starbucks drinking my usual Ice Venti, 3 Pump White Mocha, Iced Coffee. I started reading a book which was given to me years ago, "The Purpose Driven Life." I've learned the more time spent reading about Jesus, whether in the Bible or other Christian books, the more uplifted I become. (Today was one of those uplifting days.) Now, probably everyone who knows me, knows that I am not big on reading. But I decided to give it a shot.

I read a couple chapters and started reflecting on my day yesterday. There are two roads in this life that are becoming much more clear to me. I see where they start, know what to expect as I travel them, and know where I will end up. One road is the relationship with Christ, His love, His guidence, His voice, and His plan of a joy-filled and powerful life beyond dreams, completely apart from this world. The other road is paved with a self centered, "have to outdo," "here to make you jealous," "life is a competition and I'm winning" attitude. This is the road that consumes most of the area in which I live, and is easy to get caught up into it.

It's the road with Christ on which I am reminded of the movie, "The Matrix." I know that sounds kinda dorky, but whatever. Neo is the main character in the storyline. Neo wants to be "set free" from the Matrix and shown the true world, how it is that day. He discovers that the real world is much different than the pretend, Matrix-world in which he was living. When Neo is "plugged into" the Matrix, he realizes that it's not real and people are just living a lie. He understands that there's more to life and that he's not a part of that world anymore.

We need to renew our minds in God's Word and remember that this world is not our home. But even though this isn't our home, God wants to use us to spread His love and do powerful things for His Glory if we let Him.

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