Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Gift from God

Today i was blessed to have the opportunity to get together with my sister, Holly from work. Wow, I can't remember the last time that I got together with a brother/sister in Christ to just talk about God. We met at a local Starbucks at 11am and just talked about what God has done in our lives over the months. Yes, time flies when you're having fun! I was actually late for my work shift at 3:45pm...but God covered the circumstances. It is so exciting and refreshing to have someone at work that encourages me to live for Christ.

God is really changing my perspective on life (again). He's changing the way I see people and circumstances. I've been blessed to see a much larger picture of life, while also realizing how short of a time we are here. It is wonderful to be able to see how special God's children are, and what He is doing through them for His glory. I can't even describe how great it felt to fellowship with such a blessed sister in Christ! I walked away feeling honored to be able to share that time together. How encouraging that was!

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